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about me

fennel coffinmimic

that's me
personal info
names fennel,
age 27
birthday 4 / 28
race mixed
height 3"
pronouns he / she / it
identity gay trans man
less personal info
role website guy,
dog petter
hometown rubicon-3
relations V.IV rusty (spouse),
erichthonios (spouse),
vinegar (scientist-igor situation)
hobbies drawing,
playing with dogs,
drinking water
likes tea,
dislikes windows,
being poisoned
other info
story appearances yours
status alive (debated)
its me!

i'm fennel, a 27 year old trans man from planet earth. i'm bad at coding and computers, i'm skittish and nervous, and i have a lot of brain problems. i'm not all bad though, because i'm pretty good at art, i love animals and anime, and i make a great cup of tea.

i like slice of life, horror, and mystery genres the best. in terms of my own works, it's almost entirely slice of life. i like simple things!

my work is generally very idealistic and positive in mundane ways, and that's just how i like it :+)

table of contents
  1. personality
  2. design notes?
  3. motifs? huh?
  4. trivia
  5. gallery--?
  6. wait, why do i get a character page?!
  7. actually, while you're here, could you check on him for me please?
