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general info

halliwell's chibi design
personal info
other names hal
age 32
birthday 5 / 4
race goat beastkin
height 5'10"
pronouns they / he
identity gay trans man
less personal info
role alchemist
hometown to be named
relations to be added
hobbies cooking,
going for night walks
likes garlic toast,
cute clothes,
clean workplaces
dislikes running out of ingredients,
breaking things,
impatient people
other info
story appearances none yet
status alive
magic talent to be added
arcana the moon
voice claim tateyama akiyuki - a deep breath at dawn
mood music to be added

a fun and pleasant alchemist who picked up the job on a whim after moving to a small town. he cares a lot for the people around him, which is what drew him to the career - concocting things that can help others just from the ingredients around you, how cool! he's very observant and intuitive, often being able to guess how people are feeling before they can put a name to it themselves. he doesn't use that for any kind of selfish ends though; he just likes to help and to give advice. overall, a friendly, if not a little distant, sort of guy.

usually when the shop is closed, he spends his time prepping for the next day, then cooking. he makes a lot of very interesting but delicious soups in his fancy alchemist cauldrons. the cauldrons are large, so it's too much soup for him to eat alone, which is why he brings most of it to his neighbours and bottles the rest to give away with his potions. it's not always good to drink potions on an empty stomach, so it's a good idea!

halliwell was born in the south-eastern part of teres, part of a large and well-off family. his family wasn't particularily tight-knit, and none of them seemed to care about who was doing what at any time. it was freeing, but at the same time, extremely lonely. when he was around 21, he had a major falling out with a friend who ended up stabbing him in the back, trying to spread rumours about him... his family did nothing to support him, and while they did not outright condemn him for anything, the silence hurt more than anything else. so he left, setting off to find a new home and a new life.

table of contents
  1. personality
  2. design notes
  3. motifs
  4. trivia
  5. gallery


design notes




item item info

herbs ★★☆

high quality herbs from halliwell's own garden. some are fresh, some are dried; the effects sometimes vary between states.

potion ★★★

one of halliwell's potions, not fit for sale. it's less of a potion and more of a concoction meant to keep them awake.

wrist brace ★☆☆

halliwell hurt their wrist a while back and often have to wear this to keep it in good shape. it's old, but it works just fine.


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