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general info

ylasco's chibi design
personal info
other names none
age unknown, but mid 20s for sure
birthday doesn't care
race crocodile beastkin
height 4'11
pronouns she / it
identity sewer woman
less personal info
role sewer woman
hometown to be added
relations to be added
hobbies going for walks,
screaming (since people can hear it through the sewer grates),
likes crab meat,
waterproof fabric,
corruption (it's so funny!)
dislikes fighting; she's weak and she knows it,
bad liars,
going to the city
other info
story appearances story 3 (untitled)
status alive
voice claim to be added
mood music soundtemp - under the ground

a strange person who lives (you guessed it) in the sewer under a major city. the strange part being that her specific dwelling is inside a train car, a single isolated train car, lodged in sideways across said sewer. she won't elaborate on how it got there, whether she did it herself or not, nothing. she loves to antagonize people in ways that are physically harmless but very, very rude.

she knows a lot about the ongoings of the city above her, but won't tell unless given info or object of equal worth... but she's very fickle in deciding what counts as equal. she somehow has a lot of information on the knights' order, the church, and some classified incidents... that information, though, is much harder to get out of her than anything else.

table of contents
  1. personality
  2. design notes
  3. motifs
  4. trivia
  5. gallery


design notes




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